The Global Partnerships Committee is responsible for supporting church projects and people all over the world. It enables the Scottish Episcopal Church to reach out in prayer and commit to the needs of the wider church community.
The Global Partnerships Committee is part of the Mission Board of the Scottish Episcopal Church. Its aims are:
a) To foster partnership with Anglican churches around the world by supporting their ministry in their local contexts.
b) To promote shared spirituality and understanding of Christian mission through the experiences of our global partners.
c) To support SEC congregations and Dioceses to forge and maintain partnership links with Anglican churches globally.
d) To strengthen ecumenical relations by working with other churches and agencies to increase awareness of global issues and provide support where possible.
The Committee welcomes applications from individuals, congregations, Dioceses or their mission agencies for projects that will directly benefit their local communities. Guidelines for Funding Applications can be found here and an Application Form is available here.