Director of Mixed Mode Training for the Scottish Episcopal Institute Appointed

January 3, 2018

The Scottish Episcopal Institute (SEI) has announced the appointment of Richard Tiplady as Director of Mixed Mode Training.

The Right Reverend Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Argyll and The Isles and Convenor of the Scottish Episcopal Institute (SEI) Council writes: “As Convener of the SEI Council I am delighted that Richard Tiplady has accepted the post of Director of Mixed Mode Training. This appointment will enable the Institute to offer a new training pathway of contextual learning rooted in congregational ministry, within our existing Common Awards framework overseen by Durham University. Richard was, most recently, Principal of the Scottish School of Christian Mission (formerly International Christian College) in Glasgow.

This exciting innovation in the SEI programme has required a great deal of work, preparation and negotiation by the Institute Council. Richard’s appointment affirms the confidence the Scottish Episcopal Church has in its mission to build God’s Kingdom here in Scotland through creative and vibrant ministry.”

The Principal of SEI, Anne Tomlinson, adds “Mixed Mode (or Context-Based) Training is a timely and important addition to the formational pathways offered by SEI. Richard’s experience, expertise and energy will bring much not only to SEI but to the wider missional life of the Scottish Episcopal Church. I am thrilled at his appointment and look forward to welcoming him as a colleague in the New Year”.

Richard says: “I am delighted to be joining SEI in this new role. As Scotland shifts more and more towards post-Christendom, we are in an environment of experimentation and innovation. Established methods of formation and training for Christian mission and ministry are being questioned and new approaches are being embraced. I look forward to developing these with colleagues across the church, shaping new kinds of contextual learning communities which work at discovering together what the new shape of Christian leadership needs to look like”.

The photograph was taken in December on a very chilly Meall nan Tarmachan, Killin. To gain an idea of Richard’s research and other interests, including a recent post on a spirituality of the mountains, see