Joint Call to Prayer, Sunday 20 June at 7pm

June 18, 2021

The Scottish Episcopal Church and other denominations join together in prayer on Sunday at 7pm, as they have done throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Many of those joining together in prayer, which appears below in English and Gaelic, will also light candles.

In a joint message, church leaders in Scotland said:

“‘We’re all in this together!’ When we hear such a statement, it implies that we share together in the difficulty being faced. No one is exempt and we all have to face up to the challenge that confronts us. There are times, of course, when we wonder if this is entirely true! Nevertheless, the last months have brought home to us the fact that, in facing up to the challenge of the pandemic, no one is exempt.

“In the Gospel of Mark, the disciples find themselves in a boat one evening with Jesus. They have left the crowds behind and are in a situation in which they might have said: ‘We’re all in this together!’ Except, Jesus is asleep even as a storm arises ‘and the waves beat into the boat’ and the boat seems set to be overwhelmed. The disciples are all in this together, but what about Jesus? The disciples ask him: “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” In response, Jesus rebukes the wind and calls to the sea: “Peace! Be still!” He then asks the disciples: “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” It is as if he is asking them: ‘Did you think that I was not in this together with you?’ (4: 35-41)

“The challenges of these last months have left us with many questions. However, we may be sure of this: In all we face, Jesus is with us in the boat in the midst of the storm and we can say: ‘We’re all in this together!’”

We pray:

Lord of the winds and of the sea,
Be with us today
As we turn to you and listen for your voice.
Whether in the midst of quiet or of storm,
Speak to the depths of who we are.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Lord of the winds and of the sea,
Be with us today
As we leave behind that which is past
And face the challenges of this day:
Speak your word to us in this present moment.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Lord of the winds and of the sea,
Be with us today
As we sense the depth of the challenges we face
And fear that we shall soon be o’erwhlemed:
Speak to us in the still, small voice of calm.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Lord of the winds and of the sea,
Be with us today
As you have been with us
In all the days that the storm has raged:
Speak the words that calm the storm and cease the rage.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Lord of the winds and of the sea,
Be with us today
As we hear the words you have spoken
And know the peace of your presence renewed:
Speak the words that inspire faith and reassure us of your abiding presence.
Lord, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Signed by:

Most Rev. Mark Strange, Primus, on behalf of the College of Bishops, Scottish Episcopal Church
Lord Wallace, Moderator of the General Assembly, Church of Scotland
Most Rev. Leo Cushley, Archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh, Roman Catholic Church
Rev. Dr David Miller, Moderator, United Free Church of Scotland
Rev. Neil MacMillan, Moderator, Free Church of Scotland
Rev. Paul Whittle, Moderator, United Reformed Church (Scotland)
Rev. Martin Hodson, General Director, Baptist Union of Scotland
Rev. Mark Slaney, District Chair, Methodist Church (Scotland)
Rev. Thomas R. Wilson, Chair, Congregational Federation in Scotland
Lt. Col. Carol Bailey, Secretary for Scotland, Salvation Army
Adwoa Bittle, Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Rev. Ruth Turner, District Superintendent, British Isles North District, Church of the Nazarene
Pastor Chris Gbenle, Provincial Pastor, Province of Scotland, Redeemed Christian Church of God
Bishop Francis Alao, Church of God (Scotland)/Minority Ethnic Churches Together in Scotland (MECTIS)
Rev Fred Drummond, Director, Evangelical Alliance (Scotland)

Gairm gu ùrnaigh: Latha na Sàbaid, 20mh dhen Ògmhios, ùrnaigh aig 7f

“‘Tha sinn uile còmhla san t-suidheachadh seo!’ Nuair a chluinneas sinn rudan dhen leithid seo, bidh sinn a’ tuigsinn gu bheil sinn uile a’ com-pàirteachadh anns na duilgheadasan a tha againn. Uaireannan, gun teagamh, chan eil e buileach soilleir gu bheil sinn uile a’ tarraing air an aon ràmh! A dh’aindeoin sin, tha sinn uile air ionnsachadh nach eil gin againn saor o dhùbhlannan ar latha.

“Ann an Soisgeul Mharcuis, bha na deisciobail còmhla ri Ìosa ann am bàta aon fheasgar. Bha na sluaghan air an cùlaibh, agus ma dh’fhaoidte, thuirt iad ri chèile ‘Tha sinn uile còmhla san t-suidheachadh seo!’ Ach bha Ìosa na chadal, fiù ’s nuair a dh’èirich stoirm, ‘agus bha na tonnan a’ slaiceadh air an eathair, air chor ’s gun robh i mu thràth ga lìonadh.’ Bha na deisciobail uile còmhla san t-suidheachadh sin, ach dè mu dheidhinn Ìosa? Dh’fhaighnich iad dheth, ‘Fhir-Teagaisg, nach eil dragh idir agad gu bheil sinn gu bhith caillte?’ Agus chronaich Ìosa a’ ghaoth, ag ràdh, ‘Sàmhach! Bi na thost!’ Agus an dèidh sinn dh’fhaighnich e orra-san, ‘Carson a tha an t-eagal oirbh? Nach eil creideamh fhathast agaibh?’ (Marcus 4: 35 – 41) Nach robh iad a’ creidsinn gun robh e còmhla riutha anns an t-suidheachadh sin?

“Tha iomadh cheist againn na làithean seo, a thàinig an cois dùbhlannan COVID-19. Ach faodaidh sinn bhith cinnteach às a seo: tha Ìosa maille rinn anns gach teanntachd, maille rinn anns a’ bhàta ann am meadhan na stoirme, agus faodaidh sinn a ràdh: ‘Tha sinn uile còmhla anns an t-suidheachdh seo!’”

Dèanamaid ùrnaigh:

A Thighearna na gaoithe agus na mara,
bi maille rinn an-diugh
agus sinn ag èisteachd rid ghuth.
Ged soilleir no doilleir a bhios an latha,
labhair rinn aig an ìre as doimhne.
A Thighearna, na do thròcair,
èist ri ar n-ùrnaigh.

A Thighearna na gaoithe agus na mara,
bi maille rinn an-diugh
agus sinn a’ cur cùl ris an là a tha seachad,
agus a’ coimhead air adhart gu dùbhlannan an latha an diugh:
labhair rinn an-diugh, a Dhè.
A Thighearna, na do thròcair,
èist ri ar n-ùrnaigh.

A Thighearna na gaoithe agus na mara,
bi maille rinn an-diugh
agus sinn a’ faicinn cho mòr ’s a tha na dùbhlannan a tha romhainn,
agus a’ faicinn nan tonn a’ slaiceadh air an eathair
labhair rinn led ghuth ciùin, caol.
A Thighearna, na do thròcair,
èist ri ar n-ùrnaigh.

A Thighearna na gaoithe agus na mara,
bi maille rinn an-diugh
mar a bha thu a-riamh,
ann an làithean nan seachd sìon.
Labhair, Ìosa, agus cronaich an stoirm,
gus am bi na h-uisgeachan sàmhach a-rithist.
A Thighearna, na do thròcair,
èist ri ar n-ùrnaigh.

A Thighearna na gaoithe agus na mara,
bi maille rinn an-diugh
agus sinn ag èisteachd ri na faclan a labhair thu.
Deònaich dhuinn sìth do làthaireachd an-diugh,
labhair rinn na faclan a dhùisgeas fìor chreideamh annad-sa.
A Thighearna, na do thròcair,
èist ri ar n-ùrnaigh.


Am Fìor Urramach Marcus Strange, Primus as leth Colaiste nan Easbaigean, Eaglais Easbaigeach na h-Alba
An Ceart Urramach Morair Uallas, Moderàtor Àrd-Sheanadh Eaglais na h-Alba
Am Fìor Urramach Leo Cushley, Àrd-Easbaig Chill Rìmhinn agus Dùn Èideann
An t-Urramach Oll. Daibhidh Miller, Eaglais Shaor Aonaichte na h-Alba
An t-Urramach Niall MacMhaoilein, Moderàtor, an Eaglais Shaor
An t-Urramach Pòl Whittle, Eaglais Ath-Leasaichte Aonaichte (Alba)
An t-Urramach Màrtainn Hodson, Àrd-Stiùiriche, Aonadh Baisteach na h-Alba
An t-Urramach Marcus Slaney, Cathraiche Roinn-Dùthcha, Eaglais nam Methodach (Alba)
An t-Urramach Tòmas R. Wilson, Cathraiche, Caidreachas Co-thionalach ann an Alba
Lt. Col. Carol Bailey, Rùnaire na h-Alba, Feachd na Slàinte
An t-Urramach Rut Nic an Tuairneir, Àrd-Neach-Stiùiridh Roinn-Dùthcha, Eileanan Bhreatainn, Eaglais an Nàsaraich
Adwao Bittle, Comann nan Caraidean (Cuagairean)
Aoghaire Chris Gbenle, Aoghaire Roinn-Dùthcha, Mòr-Roinn na h-Alba, Eaglais Chrìosdal air Saoradh le Dia
Easbaig Francis Alao, Eaglais Dhè (Alba)/ Eaglaisean nam mìon-shluagh còmhla ann an Alba (MECTIS)
An t-Urramach Fred Drummond, Stiùiriche, Caidreachas Soisgeulach (Alba)