As a Church we welcome all to worship with us on Sundays and throughout the week. We are friendly and inclusive – children are always welcome.
Often called The Eucharist and The Liturgy, Holy Communion is the most common worship service in our Church. The service recalls and celebrates Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples the evening before his death on the Cross, and encourages us as the Christian family today. As such the Eucharist is a sacrament of the Church, a channel of God’s love and grace in our lives.
The service takes us on a journey: in the first part we prepare, reflecting on our shortcomings, listening to Hebrew and Christian readings from the Bible; a sermon or talk is given, we state our beliefs, pray for needs of the world, and acknowledge each other as a community in the peace of Christ.
The second stage takes us to the heart of the sacred meal, both historically and in the here and now. We celebrate the glory of God our creator, the sacrifice of his Son Jesus Christ and the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. Bread and wine are taken, blessed, broken and given.
Sharing in the life of Christ’s sacrificial and broken body and transformed ourselves, we are called to become servants of the kingdom here on earth.
The bread and wine are shared amongst the congregation and it is usual for baptised Christians of all ages to receive i.e. to make their communion. Nobody need feel left out as a personal blessing is always available as an alternative.
Finally the congregation is blessed by the priest and sent out to love Christ and to serve our neighbour in daily life. The Christian journey continues.
Our Scottish Liturgy is usually in modern language (dating from 1982), although more traditional words can be used. The service may be enriched by music and drama, vestments and incense, by digital technology and interactive participation.
You may wish to follow the service book or sheet closely – alternatively the words and actions and music will surround you in their own way. The priest or service leaflet will provide local guidance about what to do and where to go throughout the service.
Most services have a time for refreshments afterwards when you can meet other people and discover more about the Christian faith and the local church.