Secretary General retiral donations to benefit SEI

May 9, 2024

Since it was announced that Mr John Stuart is to retire from the position of Secretary General to the General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church, there have been several enquiries from individuals and churches about how to contribute to a retirement gift.

Mr Stuart, who will retire at the end of July this year after 28 years in office, has indicated he would prefer that anyone who wishes to mark his retirement in this way should do so by making a donation to the Scottish Episcopal Institute Training Fund. The Fund exists to help fund the costs of full-time ordinands.

A giving page has been set up for those who wish to contribute, and it can be accessed at this link. For anyone who wishes to contribute via a direct bank transfer, the details are at the foot of this article.

Mr Stuart is currently overseeing arrangements for the church’s three-day General Synod in June, and after a handover period during July, he will stand down. His successor, Dr Dee Bird, will start in the post on 1 August.

Ms Bridget Campbell, Convener of the Provincial Standing Committee, has paid tribute to Mr Stuart’s unstinting devotion, selfless dedication and Christian example to all he has encountered.

She said: “John Stuart has served the Scottish Episcopal Church with commitment, devotion to duty and fair-mindedness which are exemplary. No-one could have given more to supporting the Scottish Episcopal Church and our gratitude to and admiration for him cannot be measured.

“As well as being endlessly patient, and willing to take pains to find a consensual way forward, John’s personal kindness to all with whom he comes into contact is a Christian example to us all. As he prepares to pass the baton to his successor, I hope that he will allow himself to take pride in his many achievements and the place that the Church is now in. For all our challenges, thanks to John, we have sound foundations for growth.”

Direct bank transfer details:

Account name: Scottish Episcopal Church
Account number: 00729349
Sort code: 80-11-20
Reference: JS retiral