Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) – Consultation Overview Update as of June 2023

Net Zero Action Plan revised for General Synod

The consultation for the Scottish Episcopal Church’s net zero strategy ran from 15th February 2023 to March 28th 2023, a six week period in which stakeholders from across the province were given the opportunity to help shape the future of our church. Having reviewed 115 survey responses to the draft plan along with feedback gathered during the webinars, PEG have significantly revised the Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) in order to take into consideration the feedback from across the SEC community.

The updated version of the Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) was received well by Standing Committee when it was presented along with an estimate of anticipated implementation costs at the end of April. This plan was subsequently included in the papers for General Synod 2023. The Provincial Environment Group successfully sought approval of the Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) at General Synod 2023 (8 to 10 June).

You can download the updated Net Zero Action Plan here.

Please note, the consultation webpage is not an introductory document to Net Zero nor does it outline the first steps that your charge can take to tackle climate change – if you wish to start the journey in your church, please first download the Net Zero Toolkit.

If you missed the launch of the Net Zero Action Plan which took place on 15 February 2023 or want to view it again, you can watch it here.

To view a recording of the most recent consultation webinar, please click here.

Who was the consultation aimed at?

Stakeholders across the Scottish Episcopal Church including charges and dioceses, as well as provincial boards and committees.

Consultation objectives – why did PEG carry out the consultation?

  • To engage in a participatory process with stakeholders across the Scottish Episcopal Church, enabling all parties to express their views and provide input into the proposed Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030).
  • To obtain feedback on the overall Net Zero Action Plan, as it relates to the 2023-2030 period. As part of this, we wanted feedback on the Net Zero 2030 target definition including the proposed organisational boundary and the scopes of activities that are included in our target. We also wanted feedback on the specific ‘Key Results’ (now Desired Outcomes) that were associated with each of the ten core objectives.
  • We wanted to raise awareness of the net zero journey ahead, build momentum and align the community on the shared objectives and tasks ahead ready for motion approval at General Synod 2023.
  • We wanted to embrace the collective intelligence of the SEC community to collect a broad set of valuable feedback including additional ideas, opinions and insights and make adaptations based on this.
  • We welcomed any comment into the overall strategy, including the proposed resources and enabling interventions that are being recommended to support this ambitious goal.

How could people get involved?

  1. The SEC community was given the opportunity to register for one of two online webinars on either Tuesday 21st February (16.30-18.00) or Thursday 9th March (11.30-13.00) – requesting that they bring any questions they had about the plan or strategy to these events. A total of 120 people attended these webinars with over 230 actions shared regarding changes already being carried out across the province.
  2. People were asked to complete the formal online consultation survey, the results of which are available here.


  • PEG asked people to submit formal feedback on the draft Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) by 12 noon on Tuesday March 28th, when the online survey closed.
  • Data submitted as part of this process was then be reviewed and aggregated, with a presentation of the results and recommended changes presented for review by Provincial Environment Group on April 18th, 2023.
  • The final version of the PEG approved Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) was then offered to Standing Committee in April and subsequently included in the papers for General Synod 2023.
  • The Provincial Environment Group are seeking approval of the Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030) via a motion at General Synod 2023 (June 8-10th).

Engagement Strategy

  • Prior to the publishing of the proposed Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030), representatives of the Provincial Environment Group had already had engagement regarding the high-level strategy with Bishops, Deans, the Provincial Buildings Committee, Church in Society Committee and Scottish Episcopal Institute, as well as guidance from Provincial Standing Committee.
  • PEG also had representation and presentations at each 2023 Diocesan Synod – this being a good platform from which to interact with members of the church about the consultation, as well as receive valuable informal feedback to guide the strategy.
  • Letters about the consultation were sent to all provincial committees and boards, as well as diocese administrators and secretaries.
  • Information about the consultation was included in the January 2023 edition of the SEC Inspires Online newsletter as well as highlighted in the February edition.
  • Information about the consultation was showcased on the front of the SEC website during the consultation with promotion also via SEC social media channels.
  • The consultation was launched on Wednesday 15 February via a live stream introduced by Bishop Ian Paton. You can review the launch video from the PEG area of the SEC website, under ‘Tackling climate change’. The launch event of the Net Zero Action Plan had 151 participants joining live, with a further 414 people viewing the event online afterwards. During the consultation, two webinars were run, which had a total attendance of 120 people.
  • All charges’ vestries were contacted directly via the GSO to ensure broad consultation, requesting at least one vestry member attend the launch or webinar.