Provincial Environment Group logo is given stained glass design to show ‘flourishing future’

June 21, 2023

A stained-glass design of the Provincial Environment Group logo has been unveiled, colourfully illustrating the ten core objectives laid out in the Net Zero Action Plan.

The original PEG logo was designed by Group member Robert Woodford in 2022, who described it as “bringing a holistic approach across committees and boards to help move the Scottish Episcopal Church towards a regenerative future”.

Said Robert: “The main shape of the PEG logo was designed to represent the concept of planetary boundaries and the adaptations to this made by Kate Raworth with her Doughnut Economics model. This outlines what it means for humanity to thrive in the 21st century, integrating social justice and planetary boundaries together into a cohesive framework.

“The shape of the ten petals inside the logo are based on the outline of the SEC logo, giving a sense of the many parts of the church coming together as a whole to address the climate emergency through the ten core objectives outlined in the Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030).”

Now Dr Lana Woolford, a member of Old St Paul’s Episcopal Church in Edinburgh, has taken the original logo and created an inspiring design based on a stained glass window.

Lana, who is professional animator and founder of Edinburgh-based Cloud Chamber Studios, says her design began with a meditation on the three guiding values of discipleship, justice and hope.

“The ten petals of the Net Zero Action Plan guide the growth of trees around the design, a vision of our flourishing future,” says Lana.

“These trees are rooted in social justice – entangled in Christ’s crown of thorns – and form a canopy of dark and light representing our strained planetary boundaries, our grief and joy for Creation, and our brothers and sisters in affected parts of the world.

“I pray the design reflects the hope I feel in the SEC’s action on environmental issues.”

Lana’s design was first revealed at General Synod earlier this month, as part of the PEG presentation when the Group successfully sought approval for its action plan.

Robert told Synod members: “Lana’s beautiful work brings to life the fundamentals of the PEG logo, giving a sense of the flourishing future for all life that is at the heart of the work to which we are all dedicated.”

As yet, there are no plans for the design to be installed at a Scottish Episcopal Church building, but Robert and Lana would be pleased to hear from anyone who might want to turn the stained glass design into reality. Meanwhile, the design will be used in association with the Net Zero Action Plan (2023-2030), the upcoming Net Zero Toolkit and the new Net Zero Cards.

You can view a higher resolution version of the design here.

[Image copyright SEC, created by Lana Woolford, based on a logo design and element icons by Robert Woodford]