CAIRing for Scotland

December 22, 2015


A new booklet ‘CAIRing for Scotland’ has recently been launched to highlight the work of interfaith relations in Scotland.  Copies of the booklet have been sent to each of the seven dioceses of the Scottish Episcopal Church.

The booklet records the 14 year history of CAIRS (Churches Agency for Interfaith Relations in Scotland) and features the following: Scotland A Diverse Nation; The Churches and Interfaith: Scottish Churches and Developments in Interfaith Relations; Ecumenical Collaboration (CAIRS); The Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ); A Christian/Muslim Forum; Local Interfaith Groups; The Scottish Interfaith Council; Religious Leaders of Scotland; a conclusion followed by 3 personal testimonies (Dominic Ind – Episcopalian; Andrew Sarle – Presbyterian; Isabel Smyth – Roman Catholic).

The Rev Dominic Ind, a key contributor to the booklet says “What might touch you about the story told in CAIRing for Scotland is that it is a genuinely good news story.  We hear much negativity in places such as the Middle East and often religion is percieved as a negative force whether that is in Jerusalem or much closer to home here in Scotland.  This is a story of religion bringing people together, creating community and being a force for good.  The Church has played a key role and offered Good News about a man who proclaimed peace and reconcilliation. We as Episcopalians may take some pride in our role, that often we have been at the forefront of developing interfaith work in Scotland.  It is good news for us; good news for the Church in Scotland and indeed, good news for people of all faiths or none, who make up Scottish society.”