What is the Season of Creation?
The Faith and Order Board and College of Bishops have approved the introduction of a Season of Creation to our liturgical calendar. This reflects the commitment of our Church to responding appropriately to the global environmental and climate crisis, which has drawn attention to what has perhaps become a neglected aspect of our faith: that God created the world, that it is good, and that we, as human beings created in God’s image, have a particular responsibility for the care of God’s creation. It is right that this be reflected in our worship.
The Season of Creation will run from the first Sunday of September for four weeks, concluding with Thanksgiving for Harvest on the fifth Sunday. The lectionary will be that currently in use, to ensure that the continuity in Scripture readings is not disrupted. The readings in the Revised Common Lectionary for that period are entirely appropriate for the Season of Creation.
The Liturgy Committee has prepared material for use during this Season, which have been approved for experimental use by the Faith and Order Board and the College of Bishops.
The Liturgy Committee will be offering an introduction to this material, and to the new on-line form for feedback which will be created. This introduction will be available on the morning of Friday, 13 August 2021, and the evening of Wednesday, 18 August 2021. In compliance with General Synod Office policy, it will be necessary to register in advance for these events. Please contact Sandra Brindley, GSO Administrator, at office@scotland.anglican.org to register, and you will be supplied with the necessary log-in information.