
Net Zero Property Guidance

Guidance on insulation
The Buildings Committee, in consultation with the Provincial Environment Group, has produced some general guidance on the subject of insulation in church buildings, including some case studies

Sources of Guidance to Churches on Heating of Buildings
The Buildings Committee, following consultation with the Provincial Environment Group has produced the following information on issues of heating to assist churches in working towards net zero carbon emissions.

Energy Performance Certificates for Existing Buildings
Guidance regarding the requirements for energy performance certificates for existing buildings.

Vestry property responsibilies

Responsibilities of Property Convener
Guidance setting out the general expectations of the responsibilities of the Property Convener.

Quinquennial Surveys
Guidance regarding the preparation of quinquennial property surveys.

Church Property Inventory (March 2018)
The form for use, under Canon 35, to record property belonging to a congregation.

Access Audit Checklist
A check list for carrying out a disability discrimination access audit.

Maintaining Graveyards 
Guidance for congregations on good practice and the key issues that need to be considered when undertaking conservation and maintenance of graveyards.

Minimum Standards For Clergy Housing
Recommended guidelines adopted by the Provincial Administration Board for minimum standards for clergy housing.

Clergy Housing Responsibilities
The Buildings Committee has produced a checklist of items which vestries and clergy may wish to use as a basis for clarifying responsibilities in relation to tied housing. It is not intended as a formal document for signature, but rather as a checklist to enable discussion.

Equality Act 2010
Guidance on issues of access to church buildings.

Canon 35 advice

Canon 35 – minor works
Details of the minor works excluded from the ambit of Canon 35.

Canon 35 – appeals
Details of the procedures to be followed in the event of an appeal under Canon 35.

Building maintenance

Maintenance and Building Work for your Church – Some Practical Considerations
A note from the Provincial Buildings Committee of matters to be aware of when planning church maintenance or building work.

Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC)
The Buildings Committee has produced some general advice for congregations on the subject of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete.

Grants for Building Work

Provincial building grants and loans
Details of Provincial building grants and loans.

Sources of Funding for Repairs and Improvements to Church Buildings
A list of potential sources of funding.