
What is Liturgy?

Liturgy is the Church’s corporate worship, its common prayer. Worship and prayer can happen wherever people are, at any time, and whether they are alone or with others.

But Liturgy is the structured and shared worship that Christians engage in when they are together – as Jesus said: “where two or three are gathered in my name.”

Read more about Liturgy here

At this page you can download digital versions of our authorised liturgies, which have been arranged into categories. On the right have side of this page you can find a full list of publications.

Calendar & Lectionary

The Calendar provides the details for the different events and saints days, whilst the lectionary is the readings set for each particular day of the year. We also publish a guide to the particulars of using the Calendar and Lectionary in the current year.

Daily Prayer

It is the ancient tradition of the Church that on each day the ‘offices’ of Morning and Evening Prayer are offered. All are invited to join in this tradition using these books.

The Eucharist

Within the Episcopal tradition our central rite is the Holy Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion or the Mass). This rite is intended as a framework for adaptation according to local needs.

The current edition of the Scottish Liturgy 1982 was revised in 2022.

Two other versions of the Holy Eucharist are authorised for us: one according to the rite of 1970 and the other from from the Scottish Prayer Book of 1929, written in the poetic English of the seventeenth century.

Service of the Word

This liturgy is designed to ‘break open the Word’ in flexible ways. It uses texts from scripture as a basis for many of its responses to encourage adaptability in ecumenical environments.


Baptism is, within the apostolic tradition, the means by which one affirms their decision to follow in the way of Christ.


In marriage, a couple become one in love before God. In this rite, the Church, through its ordained ministers, bears witness to, and celebrates, this pledge to live in love together before God.


These rites provide a framework for prayerful celebration of the life of those ‘we love but see no longer’, commending them to God’s keeping and proclaiming the hope of the fulness of the life of God’s Kingdom.

Services for Holy Week

This rite celebrates, welcomes and ordains those called to ordained ministry within the ‘One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church’.

Pastoral Offices for Priests, Deacons, and Lay Readers

The Church has a particular responsibility to care for those who are sick, frail, in distress or near death. To support this ministry, the Liturgy Committee has prepared Pastoral Offices, suitable for use by Clergy, Deacons and Lay Readers.

Liturgies authorised for experimental use

This page contains all the liturgies and resources currently authorised for experimental use.  The Liturgy Committee is currently engaged in a consultation process seeking feedback on these liturgies and resources and invite all to contribute.  These resources include the new experimental rites for Lent & Holy Week and the experimental Collects.

Liturgy documents

Abbreviated Funeral Rites for use in the COVID-19 Crisis

The following abbreviated Funeral Rites have been prepared for use during the current COVID–19 crisis. They have been approved by each of the Diocesan Bishops under Canon 22.4 for use in their respective dioceses.

Daily Prayer and Psalter

This Order of Daily Prayer is designed to allow Scripture to stimulate and to express worship of the God of whom Scripture speaks.

Daily Prayer Short Form

The simple forms of morning and evening prayer given here are designed to encourage attentive prayer, either by groups or by individuals.

Scottish Liturgy 1982 with Alternative Eucharistic Prayers

This Liturgy is printed with a minimum of instructions, out of a conviction that worship in a contemporary idiom must be adapted to suit particular times and places.

Scottish Liturgy 1982 with Propers and Revised Common Lectionary

This version of the 1982 Scottish Liturgy includes Propers and the Revised Common Lectionary.

Scottish Liturgy 1970

The Scottish Liturgy 1970 is authorised for permissive use, under Canon XXIII-8 on behalf of the College of Bishops of the Episcopal Church in Scotland.

Scottish Liturgy 1929

The Scottish Liturgy 1929 is for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist and administration of Holy Communion, commonly called the Scottish Communion Office.

Communion from the Reserved Sacrament 1997

This liturgy of Administration of Holy Communion is designed to serve situations in which a congregation is without the ministry of a priest to preside at the Eucharist, yet wishes Holy Communion to be at the centre of its act of worship on a Sunday or other major feast.

Litirdi Albannach 1982

Gaelic version of the 1982 Scottish Liturgy.

An Liotuirge 1970

Gaelic version of the 1970 Scottish Liturgy.

A Service of The Word 2015

A Service of the Word has been authorised for use by General Synod 2015.

Calendar and Lectionary

The Calendar and Lectionary offers a three-year cycle of readings for Sundays and Holy Days, taken from the Revised Common Lectionary.

Guide to Calendar and Lectionary

The Guide to the Calendar and Lectionary is a yearly guide which supports the use of the Calendar and Lectionary.

Revised Collects for Experimental Use

Collects authorised by the College of Bishops until Advent 2019.

Holy Baptism 2006

The Rite is intended for use within the Eucharist, following the gospel.

Affirmation of Holy Baptism 2006

The Rite is intended for use at the Eucharist following the Gospel.

Marriage Liturgy 2007

The Marriage Liturgy 2007 was approved at General Synod, May 2007.

Revised Funeral Rites 1987

The central core of the rites offered is the service in church. This follows the traditional structure of an office with psalmody, scripture reading and prayer.

Scottish Ordinal 1984

The liturgy for the ordination of bishops, priests and deacons.

Services and Ceremonies for Ash Wednesday and Holy Week 1967

This book offers a revision of the 1948 services for Ash Wednesday and Holy Week.

Guidelines for Memorial Services

Guidelines for Memorial Services, issued by the College of Bishops at the request of the Faith and Order Board.